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Chinese translation for "time gap"


Related Translations:
commitment gap:  承诺差距
gapped duplex:  (带)缺口(的)双链体缺口双链体
switch gap:  开关间隙
immiscibility gap:  不混合间隙不混溶间隙不溶混间断
guard gap:  保护间隙
lexical gaps:  和“词汇空白”
rod gap:  棒隙棒状放电器棒状火花隙
gap butt:  开口对接
financing gap:  财政缺口资金缺口
gap welding:  断续焊接
Example Sentences:
1.The time gap , or delay , between tasks is called lag time
使用microsoftproject ,可以在任意两个链接任务间添加前置重叠时间或延隔时间。
2.Use the two - second rule - leave a two - second time gap between you and the vehicle in front . see
3.When necessary , you can exercise even finer control by specifying overlaps and time gaps between tasks
4.Last time gap was in trouble , all it took was a single campaign , called “ crazy stripes ” , to rebuild its fashion status
5.For one such patient , whom my colleagues and i have studied for 25 years , the time gap goes almost all the way to the cradle
6.If the time gap is large , interruption thresholds can reach the level at which they can cause an adverse impact on the uptime availability guarantee
7.The time gap in beijing is shorter than the other two cities , peugeot 206 in three kinds of color only need about one month to register
8.A task divided into two or more portions , with time gaps between one portion and another that indicate an interruption in work on the task .
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